Even though I’ve been wet-felting for years, it still amazes me what can be created with some wool roving and a bit of soapy water.
At the weekend I had another brilliant day with the Feltmakers, this time with the very talented Valerie Wartelle. Her landscape work is stunning.

I started with a blank piece of pre-felt and started imagining a landscape of my own.

Slowly the picture developed.

A bit of rolling later.
And a bit of fulling and rinsing later.

The felt was drying.

My Cotton Mills by the Irwell.
It needs a good press, a little bit of embroidery and then framing.
I’m chuffed to bits with it.
What a great result, you must be thrilled. I've done felting and know how hard it can be and like pottery not always getting the results you expected.
So well done. Don't forget to show us when you've stitched into it.
Lynn xx
Thank you Lynne, I'm thrilled to bits with the results. There's a bit of thinking to do before I add stitch – hand or machine? Decisions, decisions 😉
Katie xx
It is so amazing! All of your hard work and efforts must have had paid off!The results are so pretty,i am in love with them!You have done a great job.Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of art with us!