It’s that time of year again, when I feel the pressure of yet another deadline! This time it’s for The Embroiderers’ Guild Members’ Challenge. The topic is “My Favourite Things”. My piece is called “The Sound of the Kenwood Chef”.
” One of the most memorable sounds from my childhood, is the sound of my Mum’s heavy, metal Kenwood Chef, whirring away. The smell of home baked cakes, pies and bread filled the house. Saturday mornings was the highlight of the week. Me, my three sisters and two brothers, waited patiently until Mum said we could eat the first batch of warm Victoria Scones.”
Have you submitted work too? Leave a message below and let me know. I’d love to see it when the Guild next exhibits them on their stand.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen some of my other embroideries – ‘Take Time to Smell the Roses’ was posted off in February 2019 and the other two (‘Cheese and Onion Pie‘ & ‘Time for Tea‘) posted at the end of August 2019 (which are part of the Guild’s ‘Home’ Exhibition). All the pieces can be seen as they tour with the Guild across the UK.