My favourite stalls from the Selvedge Easter Fair 2014

A visit to the Selvedge Easter Fair is the perfect kick start to Spring, and also a super excuse for a girls day out in London.


This is just some of the magical work of Alix Swan from Little Bits of Printy Things, her work is ‘inspired by stories, rhymes and sayings’ .

Check more stallholders and artists out on my Facebook Page

Selvedge easter fair - Alix Swan

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Tips for cleaning your mixed media equipment.

Do you like Cleaning? I think we’re all guilty at some at some point in our creative lifetime, of not taking care of our art tools enough – love them and they will be around for many years to come. My failing is unloved paint brushes… I have no excuses now!
“Here are some tips for cleaning three of your basic mixed-media and collage tools.

Continue reading “Tips for cleaning your mixed media equipment.”