Assigned V&A Accession Number

Today I received a wonderful letter from Susan North, V&A Curator of Fashion before 1800, confirming my coif has been assigned the accession number T.93-2024.

I’m beyond happy to know that the coif is now formally part of a Permanent Collection the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

Information on my coif is available to view online in the V&A Museum’s collections.

V&A Letter from Susan North, Curator of Fashion before 1800
V&A Letter from Susan North, Curator of Fashion before 1800
Assigned V&A Accession Number
Assigned V&A Accession Number

The Unstitched Coif Project

The project was founded in 2023 by artist Toni Bucky.

Discover more about the story behind this artwork and the Unstitched Coif Project by following this link.

Coif Assigned Accession Number T.93-2024
Coif Assigned Accession Number T.93-2024
The Unstitched Coif Project.
The Unstitched Coif Project.

Society of Designer Craftsmen

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been accepted as a Member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (MSDC).

You can view my profile here

Society of Designer Craftsmen (SDC) - Profile
Society of Designer Craftsmen (SDC) – Profile

Society of Designer Craftsmen

“All of our makers are designers and craftsmen and are selected for their strong and innovative design sense with the skills, craftsmanship and sensitivity to materials to make the objects they design. As the oldest multi-disciplinary Society in the UK we are proud to have as members some of the finest, most exciting and respected designer makers of today and since our founding in 1887.”

SDC - Profile
SDC – Profile

“Being a member of the Society gives our members professional recognition at all stages of their careers and provides a valuable network amongst its 350 members and through its many links with other creative organisations. We have three levels of membership that recognise the different stages our members have reached in their design practice, these are Licentiate (LSDC), Member (MSDC), Fellow (FSDC).” ~ SDC.

This is the next step in my creative journey and I’m looking forward to working within this well established society of designers and makers.

I’m also a member of the prestigious group Prism Textiles.