Dorset Button Study 3

Dorset Button Study 3 is the latest piece in my series dedicated to Dorset buttons and is on exhibition at Purbeck School, Wareham, Dorset from 5th – 9th August 2022.

This artwork, created in Royal Blue Perle and DMC stranded cotton, was designed specifically for the Dorset Button 400th Anniversary Celebrations part of the Dorset Arts and Crafts Showcase 2022.

Dorset Button Study 3 in Royal Blue
Dorset Button Study 3 in Royal Blue

Size 12 x 12 cm. Royal Blue perle cotton thread, DMC stranded embroidery thread, cotton cloth. Handmade Dorset buttons, hand embroidered panel designed and stitched by Catherine Hill.

This piece forms part of a body of

work created around my love of Dorset buttons.

Food Glorious Food Exhibition

I’m pleased to announce that ‘Bound: Part 1” is on display at the Open Door, Food Glorious Food Exhibition in Berkhamsted from 7th – 18th September 2021. Free entry. For more information please follow this link. This is the fourth Open Door exhibition I’ve taken part in. To read more about this piece please check out a previous post.

Food Glorious Food Exhibition
Food Glorious Food Exhibition
Food Glorious Food Exhibition
Bound Part 1
vintage kitchen utensils bound with vintage thread
Bound: Part 1

For generations women have been bound to the home and a life of domesticity. This piece is a celebration of the tools of their trade. Beautiful Skyline products manufactured in the Lancashire town of Burnley, well-worn wooden spoons and unusual utensils. Each piece tells a story through the imperfections, scars and dents it has collected through use. Artwork is mounted onto a cotton tea-towel woven in Quarry Bank Mill . Size 31 x 38 cm. Vintage kitchen utensils, hand bound with vintage crochet and Sylko threads.

Catherine Hill, Textile Artist

Open Door Textiles Exhibition

A collection of red handmade dorset buttons stitched onto a panel with hand embroidered words around the edge stating the names of the different types of dorset buttons. All made in red thread.

I’m pleased to announce that ‘Dorset Button – Study 2’ is on display at the Open Door Textiles Exhibition in Berkhamsted from 13th July – 7th August 2021. Free entry. For more information please follow this link. This is the third Open Door exhibition I’ve taken part in. To read more about this piece please check out a previous post.

Open Door Textiles Exhibition - exhibition poster featuring hand embroidered images of berkhamsted's buildings
Open Door Textiles Exhibition Poster
dorset buttons displayed on cards and in frames. red and natural colours, old  and modenn
Dorset Button – Study 2 in the window of the Open Door Textiles Exhibition
A collection of artwork on exhibition from textile artists
A collection of artwork on exhibition from textile artists