Running Stitch Pocket Pattern – A Collaboration Project

It’s been a very busy time for me during Lockdown. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with some amazing artists for my YouTube Channel and I’ve also been working on a design for a collaboration project. I was approached by Sue from Cut Couture Kit, who designs the most beautiful linen garments. The idea was to create an embroidery pattern for the button pockets that appear on her garments. The result is the Running Stitch Pocket Pattern, which you can download by clicking the ‘Download’ button below. There’s also a step by step YouTube to guide you through the process.

When I first read the brief, my first thought was to created a pattern suitable for beginners yet also had the potential to be adapted for more experienced stitchers.

The pattern creates a double dashed border, which sits perfectly centrally on the pocket. Its simplicity works beautifully with the linen, especially when the stitching is continued into the topstitching of the garment. The design can also be evolved to provide a ‘frame’ for your own unique textile art and embellishments.

Running Stitch Pocket hand embroidered in red thread on the Suzi Bag with a white linen garment hand embroidered in red thread by Catherine Hill Textile Artist
Running Stitch Pocket on the Suzi Bag. Tunic hand embroidered by Catherine Hill.

The pattern was created to compliment my own embroidery as Catherine Hill Textile Artist.

We would love to see your creations so please share your work on Instagram using #runningstitchpocket.

Tag your images @arnolds_attic & @cutcouturekit

Linen Suzi Bag Kit
Suzi Bag Kit
Running stitch, hand embroidered in red thread on a linen pocket on a garment
Running Stitch Pocket on the Hilary Culottes

Linda Izan – Meet the Artist

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube Textile Collection. Today it features textile art by artist Linda Izan.

Linda is a conceptual visual artist. Her work involves many techniques including digital art, photography & embroidery. Linda uses photograms & Photoshop to design her unique cloth. Each piece is then embellished with layers of applique, hand & machine embroidery. Linda explains her design concepts and shares her beautiful work with us.

Linda is a member of Prism and the The Society for Embroidered Work

Images courtesy: 

“Meet the Artist” Youtube with Linda Izan
textile art, blue velvet and text about the death of Jamal Khashoggi. Art by Linda Izan.
‘Not a Shred’
textile art, blue velvet and text about the death of Jamal Khashoggi
Close up of ‘Not a Shred’
textile art. Image of vats of cooking fat printed onto plush velvet and embroidered to look like planetary systems
‘Solar Bodies’
Sketchbook describing the design process for 'Solar Bodies'
Sketchbook for ‘Solar Bodies’

Sarah Hibbert – Meet the Artist

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube Textile Collection. Today it features a stunning collection of Modern & Improv Quilts by artist Sarah Hibbert.

Sarah Hibbert’s eye-catching ‘Macaroons’ Quilt features on The Festival of Quilts 2020/21 posters. In this YouTube, Sarah explains how she designs her beautiful ‘Collage to Quilt’ pieces and shares a few quilts that you might see in her Textile Gallery at The Festival of Quilts 2021. Sarah has exhibited several pieces at Quiltcon.

Sarah is a member of The Modern Quilt Guild & The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles. Her work has been exhibited at Quiltcon and The Festival of Quilts UK.

poster from the Festival of Quilts 2021 featuring The Macaroons Quilt made by Sarah Hibbert
The poster from the Festival of Quilts 2021 featuring The Macaroons Quilt made by Sarah Hibbert
Macaroons Quilt and another quilt made in Drunkards Pach blocks, in Linen
Macaroons Quilt and a quilt made in Drunkards Path blocks, in Linen
Crosses created in Linen cloth. Sarah uses all her scraps to create tiny artworks
Crosses created in Linen cloth. Sarah uses all her scraps to create tiny artworks
Drunkards Path quilt created in Linen
Drunkards Path quilt created in Linen sourced from Ray Stitch