Beryl Dean Award for Hand Embroidery

I’m delighted to share that ‘Good Grub‘ had been awarded ‘Winner of the Beryl Dean Award for Hand Embroidery’ in the Embroiderers’ Guild 2024 Members’ Challenge ‘Opposites Attract’.

Good Grub, awarded the Beryl Dean Award for Hand Embroidery
Good Grub, awarded the Beryl Dean Award for Hand Embroidery

An ‘Opposites Attract’ E-Book is available on the Guild website, featuring all the pieces in the challenge. Below are a few extracts from the book.

Embroiderers Guild Book - Opposites Attract Members' Challenge
Embroiderers Guild Book – Opposites Attract Members’ Challenge
Extract from the Embroiderers Guild Book - Opposites Attract Members' Challenge. Beryl Dean award fro hand embroidery
Extract from the Embroiderers Guild Book – Opposites Attract Members’ Challenge
Extract from the Embroiderers Guild Book - Opposites Attract Members' Challenge. Beryl Dean award fro hand embroidery
Extract from the Embroiderers Guild Book – Opposites Attract Members’ Challenge

Thank you to the Embroiderers’ Guild from producing such a brilliant and inspiring challnge. Congratulations to the all winners and participants.

All the pieces taking part in the challenge will be on display at the Knitting and Stitching Shows 2024.

Lancashire Hotpot

My latest artwork is inspired by a winter special and a crowdpleaser in my childhood home – Lancashire Hotpot.

My mum had a menu that changed and rotated with each season. When the nights started to draw in hotpot was added to the mix. She made it in a deep glazed stoneware pot in the shape of a plant pot – a pot I now cherish in my own home.

Work in progress
Work in progress

Mum cooked it low and slow then took the lid off in the final 20 mins of cooking to brown up the top layer of sliced spuds. She dished it up with a jar of pickled red cabbage, fresh vegetables from dad’s allotment and a bread plate for mopping up the gravy.

Lancashire Hotpot
Lancashire Hotpot

Recipe for Lancashire Hotpot 

It’s the sort of meal you can pop into a low slow oven and forget about it. If your lucky the spuds will catch and caramelise on the top edge of the dish and taste wonderful. There are lots of recipes on the internet, but this is the recipe I remember at home.

  • Sliced spuds
  • Sliced onions
  • Stewing meat like lamb neck end
  • Stock
  1. Put a layer of spuds in a deep oven proof dish.
  2. Add a layer of meat and a layer of onion.
  3. Repeat layers of spuds, meat and onion. Season well.
  4. Finish with a layer of spuds.
  5. Pour over stock. Cover with a pleated greased paper or a lid.
  6. Cook in low oven for 2 hours, 350’f.

“Tasty with homemade stock, Mum used the saved onion water from making cheese and onion pie, there aren’t any carrots in it, remove the lid and brown the spuds on the top, eat with pickled red cabbage.”

For extra flavour add a bouquet garni and bay leaf to the layers, and add strips of bacon to the top.

Detail - Lancashire Hotpot
Detail – Lancashire Hotpot

Size 11 x 23cm, hand embroidered with vintage Sylko threads onto cotton cloth.

Reverse of the work
Reverse of the work

This piece is part of a collection of work based on Lancashire food.

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