‘Apron Strings!’ Exhibition by Connie Flynn

‘Apron Strings!’, a solo exhibition by Connie Flynn at Courtyard Arts.
I’d heard about this exhibition only last week so I was keen to see it before it closed.
I purposely hadn’t read too much about it before visiting so I had no preconceived ideas about what to expect other than embroidered aprons (which in itself is wonderful). How wrong was I. I was blown away with her work. Enjoy.







The pieces below are half aprons – the rectangular kind with ties that wrap around the waist. These pieces have been worked on both sides using every textile material to hand, from hand made felt to re-purposed tea towels.





Connie Flynn

I had a good chat with Connie about her past and future exhibitions. I suggest getting in contact with her if you want to know more (her work is a breath of fresh air). She also offers workshops – I was a quick to add my name to her mailing list!  Connie is a very gifted lady and I have a feeling we will be hearing more about her in years to come.

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