Leeds Summer Group Show 2022

I’m pleased to announce that Time for Tea will be on exhibition at Leeds Summer Group Show 2022. The mixed-media exhibition takes place at The Leeds Playhouse, Leeds, West Yorkshire, Monday 1-30th June 2022.

Leeds Summer Group Show 2022 poster
Leeds Summer Group Show Poster
Catherine Hill standing next to her hand embroidered artwork
Catherine Hill & Time for Tea at the exhibition open evening
Leeds Summer Group Show 2022 - Time for Tea, hand embroidered clock and words describing a hot fire, tea and crumpets
Time for Tea

The 2022 Leeds Summer Group Show will be a physical exhibition once again! This year it is presented in association with Leeds Playhouse and will be shown in their newly refurbished building for the month of June. The open call out for artists has now closed. From 198 submissions the selection panel chose 45 artists to take part.

Court Spencer , Founder of the Leeds Summer Group Show.

Contact Magazine July 2021

In Contact Magazine July 2021 you’ll discover an article sharing the story behind the name ‘Arnold’s Attic’. This digital magazine is the latest publication by the UK Embroiderers’ Guild. If fancy a quick peek, I’ve added a snippet below for you to read.

A copy of the Contact Magazine article
Snapshot of the Contact Magazine article

“Catherine’s use of the name ‘Arnolds Attic’ came about after a chance opportunity to acquire a large collection of vintage haberdashery, cloth and ephemera from a friend of her aunt who was clearing out his house.  The family had worked in the Lancashire textile mills for generations and as his mother had been an avid collector of fabrics her entire life, the collection was varied and substantial.  To honour the memory of this kind gift which moved Catherine from being a keen hobbyist to a passionate explorer and experimenter, she called it after the man and where the collection had been stored – Arnold’s Attic. “

The collection has inspired and appears in many of the works produced over the years and continues to provide a rich kaleidoscope of ideas, source materials and challenges when coupled with Catherine’s memories and heritage of growing up in Lancashire. Catherine began to focus on pieces with this common thread and exhibitions to showcase these to educate and inform about the many aspects of this important era and her childhood growing up in the now declining industries. In more recent years, Catherine has sought to perfect a style of ‘handwriting’ stitching in her signature red thread (a lot sourced from the collection) and use this to narrate stories to conjure images and emotions and fire the imagination.

Contact /magazine July 2021

The Guild contacted me earlier this year asking me to take part in the series ‘A-Z of Artists’. It’s an honour to share my work alongside some amazing textile artists. The artworks appearing in the article are Matchbox Challenge and Time for Tea, which I created under the name of Catherine Hill Textile Artist.

MCR Sew Social

MCR Sew Social Exhibition Poster

I’m pleased to announce that “The Sound of the Kenwood Chef ” has been selected for the first online exhibition by MCR Sew Social  in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Join us for the launch event at 7pm on 8th March 2021 via Zoom. Tickets are free and available via this link. We can’t wait to see you there!

UPDATE: Please view the on-line Gallery via this link.

Manchester Sew Social poster showing exhibiting artists
Exhibiting Artists
The Sound of the Kenwood Chef - exhibiting in the Manchester Sew Social Exhibition
The Sound of the Kenwood Chef
Mcr Sew Social Virtual Gallery
Mcr Sew Social Virtual Gallery

“MCR Sew Social will be hosting their first online exhibition for womxn artists and textile makers based in Greater Manchester in celebration of International Women’s Day. The theme is “What does International Women’s Day mean to you?”

Mcr Sew Social was established in 2018, now run by textile artists Rowan Bridgwood and Louisa Hammond. As a group composed mainly of womxn it has been a goal to showcase local textile artists’ work. International Women’s Day is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the collective voices of these womxn.” – Rowan and Louisa.

This event has been supported with a grant from Manchester City Council.