My Rochdale Lad

My Rochdale Lad

In November 2020 I came across an article promoting the ‘Winter Pocket Competition’ from Yale University Press. After a long time thinking and designing I created this pocket titled ‘My Rochdale Lad’.

The pocket is hand drawn. The words are from a poem ‘Oh Johnny’ by R. R. Bealey, written in Lancashire dialect in the 1860’s.

Size 31 x 20 cm. Hand embroidered and hand constructed using embroidery thread, cotton cloth and vintage bias binding.

Two months to design. Ten days to embroider. Five days to construct.

My Rochdale Lad
My Rochdale Lad
Vintage bias tape
Vintage bias tape
Carefully cutting out
Carefully cutting out

I learned a great deal about myself during this project – including designing, planning and constructing – and it gave me the opportunity to rethink how I can present future artwork in a 3D way.