I’m pleased to announce that Summer ’76 will appear in Forget-Me-Not Press Issue 3 . The digital Magazine is available to view on-line.

“How we ache for that which time has taken. To sup ourselves on memories of Maytime and June, gorging on lost and stolen moments. We may think of our childhood, our firsts, be it love or time. Our memories may be flooded with people and places made to feel like home. For moments where this life existed under the rays of the sun no matter the time or season. How these instances of gold are marked in unquantifiable joy, pleasure, love, and safety. Can we ever believe they will last forever, when such things can be touched by loss, heartbreak, and fear? As these golden times pass and we reflect upon and mourn them as they fade to green, it is our memories of them that solidify them in eternity.”
“As Robert Frost reminds us “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, the thirty-seven artists and writers showcased in our third issue at Forget-Me-Not Press show us their own versions of Gold in the many forms it can appear. We hope this issue of Forget-Me-Not Press takes you back to those precious moments that you can never truly lose as long as you remember them. ” Forget-Me-Not Press Team.