The secrets out! I’m so happy to share my big news with you! “Take Time to Smell the Roses” has been selected to appear in Embroidering the Everyday: Found, Stitch and Paint Book.

In March 2020 at the the start of the first UK Lockdown, I received a message from by Cas Holmes. She was in the planning stage for a new book and wondered if I’d be willing to have a piece of my art published in it. The chapter she had in mind was about words and memories and how they are captured in cloth. I was delighted to be asked and I’m beyond words to see my work in print.

The book looks amazing. I’ve copies of each of Cas’s previous books and I’ll be be adding this one to the stash too.
Books by Cas Holmes: Stitch Stories – Personal places, spaces and traces in textile art; Textile Landscape: Painting with Cloth in Mixed Media; The Found Object in Textile Art: Recycling and re-purposing natural, printed and vintage objects; Connected Cloth: Creating Collaborative Textile Projects.
You can secure your own copy by ordering it here.