My latest piece – a mini artwork called Away from the Chaos – has been chosen by curator Ivonne Fernandez for the ”Miniatur-Ausstellung zum Thema Autismus – Autism” Doll House exhibition at Villa Mosaïk, Steubenstraße 79, Aschaffenburg, Germany.
The artwork
“Children on the autism spectrum often play in an inflexible, rule bound way. The features associated with autism, including cognitive rigidity, pervasive anxiety, and resistance to change.”
For people on the spectrum routine, repetition, and ritual bring order to an otherwise chaotic world.
The colour blue’s association to autism originated with the autism advocacy association known as Autism Speaks. Their “Light it Up Blue” campaign calls for people to wear blue to promote autism awareness. Blue is also the organisation’s primary colour and is associated with a calm feeling and acceptance in an otherwise loud and busy world for people on the spectrum.
Size 11.5 x 11.5cm, perle & embroidery thread, hand embroidered onto vintage cotton cloth.